Showdown – Second Episode: "One Town, Two Doctors, Six Feet Under"

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Showdown – Second Episode: "One Town, Two Doctors, Six Feet Under" refers to the second performance of Showdown, which was improvised on 3/26/11.

Episode Summary

  • Sheriff Robert Solomon is unswayed by his former friend Zeke Preston’s explanation and arrests him for the murder of Doc Peterson.
  • Clement finds Clarinda and demands she comes back to the Jewel saloon. After a protracted face-off, Clement lays his gun down and promises Clarinda she can keep her baby if she returns to the Jewel. Doc Parish urges her not to trust Clement. Clarinda shoots Doc Parish, putting him out of his mutilated misery, and leaves with Clement.
  • Hank continues on his endeavour to campaign for Houston and is met with amused skepticism by Miss Jessie.
  • The funeral of Doc Peterson is a bleak affair as nobody can think of anything good to say about him.
  • The gunsmith, Tobias, tries to sell a “real gun” to Hank, but kicks him out of his store when he can’t make up his mind.
  • With no doctor in town, Clement orders his man Jebidiah to go to San Antonio to get a potion that will cause Clarinda to lose her child.
  • Clement and Sheriff Solomon square off over the issue of Zeke Preston’s trial. Clement wants to exact “justice” himself but Robert won’t give up his prisoner at any price.
  • We learn that Celia and George have been trying to have a child for a long time, but George is sterile. He beats Celia for the grief and guilt she causes him.
  • Hank hires Johnny Matthews as part of his scheme to campaign for Houston. Johnny, known in Showdown as a worthless incompetent, is told to root for Burnett and discredit him by affiliation.
  • Caleb Forsythe, a Texas Ranger, arrives in town to overlook security for the presidential rallies that are planned for the coming weeks.
  • Jebidiah arrives in San Antonio and is greeted by a seemingly friendly Sam Johnson (who, as rumor has it, plans to open a saloon in Showdown), who treats him to women and drink while milking him for information about Clement.
  • Clarinda is welcomed back into the fold by Fancy, who reminds her to stay in her place and how to survive under Clement’s employ.
  • Elisabeth visits Zeke in jail promising she’ll find a way to save him, though Zeke feels destined for the gallows.
  • Tobias refuses to become Sheriff Solomon’ deputy because he doesn’t want to be involved in politics.
  • Elisabeth meets with Clement and offers to take over her husband’s networking role since she knows the people and has a good picture of what Jonathan was doing for Clement. In exchange, Clement mustn’t hurt Zeke.
  • Celia turns to her admirer Tobias as a way to get pregnant. Despite fearing George’s retribution if he should find out, Tobias agrees.
  • Delilah Prudence arrives in town as an organizer for the Houston campaign and seeks out Hank, the local organizer. Delilah is distinctly unimpressed by Hank’s lack of experience and dubious scheming.
  • Clement shakes off the existential angst that had been bothering him after witnessing Clarinda shoot Doc Parrish. After discussing with Fancy, Clement decides to accept Elizabeth Peterson’s proposal.