Christopher "Ceej" Allen

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Christopher "Ceej" Allen


Primary Theater The Hideout Theatre
Years Active 2003-Present

Christopher "Ceej" Allen is an Austin improviser.

"Ceej" is a diminutive of Allen's first two initials, C.J.


Ceej was a core cast member of The 44-Hour Improv Marathon.

A post from him about the first improv show he ever saw:

I know it was a Micetro (as it was originally spelled). But I saw a few in a couple my memory may trick me...

But kevin Miller, Rene Pinnell, Bob Apthorpe and Andrea Young were in a show I remember.

Kevin did Demon Voice very well. Got a five. since then, I've done several Demon Voices.

Andrea had a solo scene where she had to play herself and her dad and I think it was her first solo scene. I could tell she was nervous, but I loved that she played the scene anyway.

Bob...and I think Andrea had a school principal's office scene...I loved it!



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