Bill Stern

From Austin Improv Community Wiki

Bill Stern

Bill Stern Pic.jpg

Primary Theater Various
Years Active 2000-2004

Bill Stern is an improv performer.


In 2004, he moved away to Chicago.

In 2010, Bill was a core performer in The 41-Hour Improv Marathon.

A post from him about the first improv show he ever saw:

Apart from the improv we did in theater in middle school and high school in class and at competition...

Well Hung Jury! At the Hideout. Must have been February or March of 2000. I think it was "the messy show", but I also remember them doing a format in which they improvised a movie preview with tiny clips from a movie, and based on that they improvised the movie and you would see the clips from the movie come back and appear in their entirety. I remember thinking "Wow. I could see the set and the costumes in my head! Nobody is going to understand this when I tell them what I saw. How could you make that up?"

I was right. In all the years since that I've spent telling the uninitiated about improv, not one has understood it. I became a member of Well Hung Jury by April of that year.


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