Townsville is a Close Quarters sketch comedy show created by Tim Honker and Nicole McCracken. Tim & Nicole write, produce and act in the shows and cast additional roles as needed for each script.
Townsville is a scripted version of the improv format Close Quarters. Each Townsville script takes place in 1 location (typically a building or business) over a short period of time (typically under an hour) in the fictional Austin suburb of Townsville, Texas. Each script is titled after the location where the show takes place.
Tim & Nicole met in their improv troupe Nice Astronaut when she joined in late 2009. They both wanted to write a Close Quarters based improv show, but the rest of the improv troupe wasn't interested at the time, so they formed a separate group.
The name is intended to invoke a generic town that could be anywhere.
MacDaddy's Bar & Grill
Townsville's first script took place at a fictional sleazy small-town bar named "MacDaddy's" and was composed of 5 core sketches with 3 beats each and 3 transition sketches with 3 beats each (similar to what would be an 8x3 Harold).
The show debuted at ColdTowne Theater in late December 2011 when Tim & Nicole paid to rent out ColdTowne Theater for 2 nights while the theater was dark for the holidays. "MacDaddy's" was then performed at the Frontera Short Fringe Festival in February 2012. Tim & Nicole had directed the show up to this point, but once they were given a March 2012 run at ColdTowne Theater on Saturday nights, they got Clifton Highfield to direct the show. The MacDaddy's script was performed a total of 7 times.
MacDaddy's Cast & Crew
- Nicole McCracken - writer/co-director/producer, lead actress
- Tim Honker - writer/co-director/producer/actor
- Clifton Highfield - Director/Tech
- Sam Van Metre - Assistant Director/Tech
- Annette Cantu - Assistant Director/Tech
- Joel Keith - lead actor
- Kristen Henn - actor
- Tre Fuentes - actor
- Drew Wesely - actor
- Frank Netscher - actor
- Emma Holder - actor
- Caitlin Bumgartner - actor
- Max Krumke - video sketch camera operator, actor, editor
- A.J. Holler - actor
- Michael Pedacano - actor
Townsville presents MacDaddy's Bar & Grill performed as part of the Hyde Park Theater Short Fringe Festival in February 2012.
Townsville was nominated for Best Sketch Show at the ColdTowne Theater Awards 2012.